Best Practices / Policies & Procedures

  • ACG Clinical Guidelines Clostridioides Difficile (Posted on 07/02/2021)

    The American College of Gastroenterology last published guidelines on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Clostridium diffiicile infection in 2013. Since that publication, there was a change in the taxonomic classification in 2016, with the organism assigned to a new genus and now called Clostridioides difficle.

  • Active Shooter Event Policy and Procedure 2024

    The community's policy aims to reduce the risk of death and injury during an Active Shooter Event for residents, visitors, and staff. They have implemented an Active Shooter Event Preparedness Program with the goal of minimizing these risks.

  • Admissions Elopement Assessment Policy 2024

    The interdisciplinary team is responsible for creating a personalized environment for each resident, meeting their individual needs. Specific guidelines are followed for residents upon their admission.

  • Advance Care Planning 2024

    The document on Advance Care Planning (ACP) outlines documenting healthcare preferences to ensure an individual's wishes are respected if they cannot make decisions. It includes key conversation elements, the importance of advance directives, proactive care planning for at-risk individuals, and steps for clinicians to support and record residents' healthcare wishes.

  • Advanced Directives 2024

    Each resident has the right to formulate an advance directive, including the right to request, refuse and/or discontinue treatment. The facility will support and respect each individual resident’s choice.

  • Antibiotic Resistance and NARMS Surveillance FAQs

    The document discusses antibiotic resistance and its impact on public health, focusing on the role of food animals in spreading resistant bacteria. It covers how bacteria become resistant, how these bacteria enter the food supply, and what people can do to prevent infections. The document also includes the efforts of organizations like the CDC to track and combat antibiotic resistance.

  • Anticoagulant PT/INR Monitoring Policy and Procedure

    The document outlines the policy and procedure for monitoring residents on anticoagulation therapy to ensure the maintenance of recommended laboratory parameters. It includes guidelines for initiating and documenting anticoagulation PT/INR tracking, reviewing medication administration records, and managing abnormal laboratory results and adverse drug reactions.

  • Anticoagulation Therapy 2024

    The document details the policy and procedures for administering and monitoring anticoagulation therapy. It includes guidelines for individualized treatment, monitoring INR levels, recognizing potential drug and food interactions, and observing signs of bleeding in residents.

  • Apartment Dwelling Fire - Tenant: Policy & Procedure

    The document outlines the policy and procedures for tenant safety in the event of a fire in apartment dwellings. It provides step-by-step instructions for evacuating, activating fire alarms, and following safety protocols for fires both inside and outside individual apartments and common areas.

  • Arbitration Agreements: A Win-Win for Families and Facilities

    Disputes between nursing homes and families can be complex. This interactive infographic outlines how arbitration agreements offer an efficient alternative to traditional litigation, potentially saving time and legal fees while preserving relationships.

  • Automatic Electric Defibrillators: Policy & Procedure

    The document outlines the policy and procedures for the use of Automatic Electric Defibrillators (AED) in the facility. It details the steps for maintaining, using, and monitoring AED equipment, ensuring compliance with residents' advance directives, and training staff in CPR and AED usage.

  • Background Checks/OIG Exclusion List: Policy & Procedure

    The document outlines the policy and procedures for conducting background checks and querying the OIG Exclusion List for all prospective employees. It includes steps for handling candidates who refuse or fail background checks, documentation requirements, and annual rechecks for existing employees.

  • Biological Event - Suspected Terrorism: Policy & Procedure

    The document outlines the policy and procedures to follow in the event of a suspected biological terrorism act within the facility. It includes steps for handling suspicious packages, notifying authorities, securing the facility, and preparing for possible evacuation.

  • Blood Spill Clean Up Policy & Procedure 2024

    The document outlines the policy and procedures for cleaning up blood spills in the facility. It includes guidelines for personal protective equipment, decontamination steps, disposal of contaminated materials, and follow-up procedures for potential biohazard exposure.

  • Bomb Threat Checklist: Policy & Procedure

    Sample policy & procedure intended to assist the facility in meeting its responsibility and emphasize the importance of employee training to respond appropriately in the event of a bomb threat.

  • Bomb Threat: Policy & Procedure

    This document outlines the policy and procedure for handling bomb threats within the facility. It emphasizes immediate action by facility managers to ensure the safety of residents, employees, and visitors through clear and timely responses.

  • Candida auris (C. auris)

    This document outlines the policy and procedure for identifying, managing, and preventing the spread of Candida auris (C. auris) infections in healthcare settings. It includes guidelines for education, risk factor awareness, colonization screening, communication, and infection control measures.

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Policy & Procedure

    This document outlines the policy and procedure for initiating and managing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for residents in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest, including steps for staff to follow and documentation requirements.

  • CDC Trauma-Informed Approach to Care

    This document outlines the CDC's trauma-informed approach to care, highlighting six guiding principles: safety, trustworthiness, peer support, collaboration, empowerment, and cultural issues. It emphasizes the need for ongoing organizational assessment, quality improvement, and engagement with community stakeholders to implement this approach.

  • Chart Audit Form

    This document is a chart audit form designed to ensure comprehensive and accurate documentation of resident care in healthcare facilities. It covers various aspects such as admission, orders, assessments, care plans, and compliance with regulatory requirements.